Vie en crèche

Nous veillons aussi à respecter également son appétit.
Dans une ambiance calme nous convions l’enfant à goûter les différents aliments proposés


The nursery offers children a breakfast snack at 8:30 a.m., a meal at 12 p.m. and a snack at 3:30 p.m. However, we follow the rhythm of each child and we adapt the schedules according to these. The list of meals is drawn up by the manager and displayed in the entrance hall to inform parents.

The crèche offers children balanced, adapted, varied and biological meals in order to respect the child’s growth. In a calm atmosphere we invite the child to taste the different foods offered, while respecting and ensuring the different allergies and religious convictions.

During meals, children must respect the different rules (stay seated, eat cleanly, use polite formulas, do not disturb friends, wait their turn, etc.). We also take take into account and  observe their respective appetite.

Our meals are delivered every day by the company Eurest, which always require balanced and seasonal meals and which ensure the locality of the products

rythme de sommeil personnalisé et chaque enfant a son lit.

Nap time

Supervision is provided by the educators in each sleep room, it provides emotional security as well as a personalized sleep rhythm. Each child has his individual bed.

Une surveillance est assurée par les éducateurs dans chaque salle de sommeil
Le brossage des dents et le lavage des mains en font aussi partie.
L’apprentissage se fait en accord avec les parents


Hygiene plays a very important role in preventing any illness. The acquisition of cleanliness is therefore very important and takes place in an atmosphere of trust and encouragement.

Learning is done in agreement with the parents and is therefore the continuity of what is done at home. Brushing teeth and washing hands are also part of it.

We ensure that we always have clean and disinfected premises and equipment, so we: 

  • wash the bathrooms and toilets every day
  • Disinfect the changing table after each change
  • Regularly disinfect toys
  • Disinfect tables after each use

224 Rue de Luxembourg L-8077 Bertrange – Téléphone: +352 28 66 96 23 –